Cats » my cat passed away


This question is related to: tigger the cat

Breed:black and white
Fed On:wiskas
Kept:she sleeps with us in are bedroom

my cat passed away

my cat has passed away and the vets gave her two injections of meloxicam and depromedrone she used to have a monthley dose of meloxicam fore her leg she had abit of artheritus one vet put it to three monthley and another put it back to monthley she was late fore it by one and a half month at first wee took her in fore a swealing thats when they gave her the depromedrone and she was ok but not eatin or drinking so wee took her back and thats when they sed she was dew her meloxicam and gave her that it was ownly les than two from when she had her first injection could it of been the injections that have clashed together and coused her to die thanks and gobless i ownly wanted to now thats all fore infomation fore myself dek


Answer this question
Martina Stuart

Good morning,
In order to make any meaningful comment I realy do need more details. Particularly I require details of the cause of death. Have you been given any such information and have you requested a post mortem?
The previous history of the cat may also help decide if such an examination is likely to provide any useful information.


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