Other Pets » my rat


my rat

on my rats neck it had a scab but has fallen off now. now there is a bubble like thing with white flakey stuff on it is there anything the matter with him.


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Martina Stuart

I apologise that this reply is a little delayed. I am attending the British Veterinary Association congress in London and have had problems getting an internet connection. 1 call advice direct vet is always available for urgent queries. This skin problem could be many things and more information such as the age sex and number of rats you keep would help. It could be associated with an old wound and superficial abscess in which case bathing with fresh swabs soaked in saline solution made from 1 tablespoonful of salt dissolved in a pint of boiled water may help. Various infectious diseases can cause skin lesions and if any more develope, this one grows, or any other animal (that includes humans) in the house developes itchy skin lesions then professional advice should be sought from a vet. It will also be worth chcking out diet especially the vitamin intake. Supplements are available to add to water or food and should be used if any cage animal is fed on a cereal based dry diet. I hope this is a help to you. Please let me know the progress.



well my rats about 1 years old its a boy. and i noticed it after travelling maybe its caused by stress


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